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Out Of Shadows
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Out Of Shadows

Out Of Shadows

US20201h 18m

Ten materiał jest rozpowszechniany bez zysku w celach badawczych i edukacyjnych.
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 mp4 Bitchute

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Dokument "Out Of The Shadows" uchyla rąbka tajemnicy na temat tego, jak media głównego nurtu i Hollywood manipulują i kontrolują masy, szerząc propagandę w swoich treściach. Naszym celem jest obudzenie opinii publicznej poprzez rzucenie światła na to, jak wszyscy zostaliśmy okłamani i poddani praniu mózgu przez ukrytego wroga o złowrogim planie.

Ten projekt jest wynikiem dwóch lat krwi, potu i łez zespołu przebudzonych profesjonalistów. Został niezależnie wyprodukowany i sfinansowany i jest dostępny na wielu różnych platformach za darmo, aby każdy mógł go obejrzeć.

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FATIMA 2023-05-08 16:20:25  0  0
Marina Abramovich is a manny. Like Taylor Swift. Like Jackie Kennedy. Like...All celebrities including Melania Trump. This is the KADESH QDESH cult translated "sodomite" but meaning cult transvestite prostitute of the Satanist take-over of the "mother-goddess" cult perverting Mrs. Noah. Noah became red devil drunk & naked satyr. Jesus, MERCY! MILLSTONE TIME!
AhayahTruth 2023-01-16 22:41:38  0  0
🔥 Keep God's Laws or Burn Forever! 🔥 www.bitchute.com/video/z4dLtSsJYuth/
FactCheckThisBitch 2022-10-13 01:59:45  0  0
https://i.imgur.com/EuSarfA.gif A.I. explains THE MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES https://www.bitchute.com/video/Me9hRzsLF1US/
FactCheckThisBitch 2022-09-27 23:53:47  0  0
https://i.imgur.com/XVkGQeA.gif Organ harvesting, Pandemic, Abortions and biotechnology documentary: https://youtu.be/A7-IbkK-5BI
Deep House Mix 2022-08-30 18:13:01  0  0
Good like
Spirithanna 2022-07-13 06:04:16  1  0
CCHR - Psychiatry industry of death
By Yahweh's Design 2022-03-09 22:30:01  0  0
What a strange coincidence that so many of the 'bad actors' are of the Talmudic Communist persuasion. Virtually all of them hail from that tribe of miscreants (the Rev. 2:9 imposters). They also make up the psychopaths who run the kakistocracies in the Western world (e.g. the Pres. of the Ukraine is one of them). Oh, and by the way, the term Nazi is an euphemism for Talmudic Perverted Jews pretending to be Germans. NaZi (National Zionists). All of the military experts of WW2 agreed that the German SS were the most moral of all fighting men during the war. Of course, that was later scrubbed but true nonetheless. Folks need to do the deep dives for truth.
Konchogzhangmo 2023-07-23 05:12:03  0  0
Talmud was written by the Khazarian who are not Jews.
NeetchianQueen 2022-02-28 12:20:42  2  0
Another "conspiracy theory" proven true...
NeetchianQueen 2022-02-28 10:48:11  1  0
ALWAYS know your history. Start Local..
NeetchianQueen 2022-02-28 10:38:38  1  0
More Connect the Dots, Mostly old news but STILL sharing, because the Truth needs to be KNOWN some may listen.
Shadow_penguin_7894 2021-10-11 19:36:15  5  0
YouTube took it down no surprise there.
Kshuf 2021-12-05 01:14:03  5  0
Whatever YouTube takes down is worthy of a very close inspection. YouTube should look into "The Streisand Effect"
Rainydaze777 2021-04-13 06:30:07  2  0
Loved it
kjpinto 2021-04-10 23:19:28  1  0
Wow, really good documentary. Thank you for this - it's discouraging to say the least and quite informative for sure. As a commenter below stated 'would love to see another one of these; this could be a mini or limited series'. Thanks again for your hard work in putting this together - it's very important. I'll send it to a few people I know for sure who won't reject it - problem is I know too many who will.
Wittleryouth 2021-02-20 02:31:20  3  0
Atom Bomb worth of propaganda of disinformation New Speak for a new Realicide of meaning.
TruthßeTold 2021-01-04 20:00:41  6  0
This is such a great compilation of information, and so well-put-together, but it could have been SOOOO much longer. These issues they've uncovered are so deeply complex, that they could have easily made this a mini-series covering each one in depth. I'd love to see a part-2, 3, and even 4, that would breakdown each one of these topics. All in all, well-worth my time to watch.
LadyLiberty4U 2020-12-02 01:58:33  8  0
Excellent film! Sad to say, but I already knew most of the information and had connected the dots: Pizzagate (2018) a huge, ongoing Pedophile / Child sex trafficking (it's the same one that was investigated in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000's; it just keeps re-inventing itself whenever pieces of it get too much exposure --Including the satanic rituals and the use of children in them!). MKUltra and the mis-info & dis-info that's been exposed and then somehow keeps on being forgotten! Control of the MSM: Knew about it, just didn't know the mechanism, so thanks for that! The only thing that I didn't realize is that we ARE dealing with 'Powers and Principalities and that we're not just dealing with flesh and blood people! We need to PRAY for Revival and we need to pray for it NOW, before they take complete control! Thank you, Mike Smith, Kevin M. Shipp, Brad Martin, and Liz Crokin for your honor, bravery, and faithful sacrifice to this effort; it cannot have been easy to come out of the shadows and put your literal lives on the line for your faith!! I liked what you said, Mike about it's not that much of a sacrifice because you KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING! Praise The Lord and AMEN!! Stay strong, brother! Bless you all! MelJ🙏
Leslielandberg 2020-11-06 21:08:51  6  0
Excellent effort! Here’s hoping the hords will be beating a mass exodus from YT soon!

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