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Battleground Melbourne
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Battleground Melbourne

Topher Field

AU20221h 45m

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 mp4 Bitchute

Battleground Melbourne przedstawia upadek najbardziej przyjaznego do życia miasta na świecie oczami tych, którzy zaryzykowali wszystko, aby je uratować.

Wraz z nadejściem Covid na początku 2020 roku wydarzenia zaczęły się rozwijać w Wiktorii, podobnie jak w innych częściach świata, ale wszystko to wkrótce się zmieniło i Victoria rozpoczęła odważną i destrukcyjną misję całkowitego wyeliminowania Covid.

Blokady były niezwykle długie i surowo egzekwowane, szkody psychiczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne były astronomiczne, a protesty i opór ze strony mieszkańców Wiktorii były brutalnie tłumione.

Ten pełnometrażowy film dokumentalny jest przedstawiony z perspektywy protestujących i ich zwolenników, aby odnieść się do wielu bezpodstawnych oszczerstw i leniwych ataków zarówno ze strony rządu, policji, jak i mediów, a także zapewnić, że mieszkańcy Melbourne, którzy stanęli w obronie praw człowieka, gdy miało to największe znaczenie, nie mogą zostać po prostu wymazani z historii.

Łącząc wywiady z naocznymi świadkami z doniesieniami prasowymi i szorstkimi materiałami filmowymi z linii frontu, Battleground Melbourne jest konfrontacyjny, surowy, rozdzierający serce, a jednocześnie zabawny i pełen nadziei.

To opowieść o zwykłych ludziach, którzy robią niezwykłe rzeczy w obliczu straszliwego sprzeciwu i walczą o swoje prawa i przyszłość swoich dzieci.

Topher Field jest czołowym australijskim libertariańskim komentatorem politycznym, działaczem na rzecz praw człowieka i filmowcem. Topher został finalistą Tropfest i Austin Film Festival, a także zdobywcą nagrody "Libertariański Aktywista Roku".

Po zapoznaniu się z filmem i telewizją jako dziecko, Topher piął się po szczeblach kariery jako operator kamery i montażysta, zanim zaczął studiować aktorstwo, a następnie przeniósł się do pisania i reżyserii. Po drodze Topher stał się znanym australijskim komentatorem politycznym, ale po 12 latach pracy jako komentator polityczny Topher jest teraz najbardziej znany ze swojej pracy od marca 2020 roku, kiedy jego rodzinne miasto Melbourne zaczęło podążać ścieżką do stania się najbardziej zamkniętym miastem na ziemi i popadło w szokujące sceny brutalności policji i ucisku rządu, które można było zobaczyć na całym świecie.

Topher zaczął przemawiać na pierwszym proteście przeciwko lockdownowi w kwietniu 2020 r., w którym uczestniczyło zaledwie 70 osób, i nadal walczy i przemawia na protestach, w których uczestniczy ponad 450 000 osób.

Za swoją pracę w obronie podstawowych praw człowieka, Topher był nękany przez policję w swoim domu, fizycznie atakowany podczas protestów, a w końcu aresztowany i oskarżony przez rząd wiktoriański o sfingowane oskarżenie o "podżeganie", zarzut przeznaczony do wykorzystania przeciwko organizatorom terroryzmu, który jest obecnie wykorzystywany przeciwko komentatorom politycznym i działaczom na rzecz praw człowieka w Wiktorii.

Topher określa siebie jako "Pro Human, Pro Freedom, Pro Individualism", jest najbardziej znany ze swoich filmów i przemówień na protestach, a teraz z pełnometrażowego filmu dokumentalnego Battleground Melbourne. Topher żyje zgodnie z mottem: "Dobrzy ludzie łamią złe prawa".

Heirloom_Organic_Homo_Sapien 2022-01-19 01:53:00  2  0
Why Australians need to start bearing arms.
Heirloom_Organic_Homo_Sapien 2022-01-19 01:49:03  1  0
So their master plan is to "vote" their way out of a tyrannical dictatorship? Good luck with that!
et tu brute 2022-01-17 20:25:05  1  0
Australia for many years practiced apartheid against the indigenous population serves them right now they know what it feels like.
deejimmy 2022-02-19 12:40:52  1  0
It serves me right? I had nothing to do with apartheid and agree that it was a very bad thing, so why should I know 'how it feels?' And you understand that today's indigenous population would also 'feel what it's like' What a completely illogical and disgraceful thing to say! You're so preoccupied with and enthusiastic about the suffering of an entire nation, as some sort of 'pay-back' for historical injustices, that you haven't even given it enough thought to recognise that indigenous Australians are a part of our nation and would also suffer as a result of what you appear to be so excited about. Or do you simply consider them acceptable sacrifices in your desperate attempt to appear woke? I get that you think saying such a ridiculous thing makes you more virtuous than everyone else, but all it does is demonstrate your acceptance of injustice, even among those you claim to care about. You care more about everyone knowing how virtuous you are than you actually care about minorities or social justice! You and all the woke SJW's just like you, exploit minorities and their historical mistreatment for your own selfish benefit! What a truly disgusting thing to do! You're pathetic!
phillipbbg 2022-01-17 01:43:54  1  0
What is it about directors or media content providers that have the background music so loud that the commentary is lost... Sheesh
Toxoplasmo 2022-01-16 17:54:43  3  0
Who thought it was a good idea to add the Piano Track at 200% volume to the voices?
SamSkara 2022-08-29 01:59:08  0  0
because PIANO is the new instrument of torture in the NEW WORLD ORDER YOU WILL LIKE IT AT ANY VOLUME
RicofVic 2022-01-16 13:30:06  2  0
This shit is far very far from over. And cut the bs music.
ShaneBee 2022-01-15 17:05:15  2  0
Andrew’s the face of true evil..A real time Jim Jones..He needs to be ? Well I’ll leave that up to you Aussies
Dan_Andrews_is_a_c_nt 2022-01-16 09:52:41  0  0
Dan is the man.
SixtyNine69 2022-01-15 13:29:43  0  0
Another tick in the box for Klous Shwarb
Heirloom_Organic_Homo_Sapien 2022-01-19 01:50:06  0  0
Schwab and his merry band of bolshevik subverters...
puetva 2022-01-15 01:47:28  0  0
Well, unfortunately, too long was a good time, for U guys there in the west, it made lots of U weak. Numbers of 'we just wanna live our lives' hamsters will run in the wheel of oppression till they die and make a room for stronger generation ... Good times make weak man .... What makes me angry is the fact that my nation is so blindly aspiring to your standards .... But here the knee of MILITCJA is still well known and the people are much easier to 'get to arms'. Hope You Kangaroos will get back on your feet from your knees ! Full heartedly I wish you all the best and I know U guys will prevail ! P.S. We are all in this together ... Love from Poland !
Clairaudient Channeller #inanutshellastrology 2022-01-14 22:21:53  0  0
Absolutely brilliant..left me with a major feel good...Which is what the Aussies do best ! God bless we will win this !!!
Tom Foolery 2022-01-14 12:04:32  1  0
WeBinJooed 2022-01-14 08:09:59  4  0
Turn those fucking tears into RAGE. You now the enemy by NAME. Learn where they live, Learn their habits. Make a plan. Man the fuck up. You all know what needs to be done, just be intelligent about it.
GoreK 2022-01-14 08:04:56  4  0
Daniel Andrews is a psychopath and I would bet a satanist
WeBinJooed 2022-01-14 07:46:55  4  0
Andrews is such a weak, scrawny, pathetic, girly-boy looking specimen of a man. Much like that effeminate soyboy degenerate in Canada playing wannabe Dick-tator. How the hell did we end up with such pathetic cucks as "leaders" all across the West? Who exactly is voting for these parasites? Sure as hell isn't real men .. so who? It is THEY who are responsible for all the chaos, suffering and death that is yet to come from this tyranny so THEY must be held accountable. Idiot politicians have no power without the cowardly morons who comply.
propel7 2022-01-14 06:41:14  2  0
A 99.5% survival rate is NO PANDEMIC. The ONLY problem is your MASS PSYCHOSIS, and the Windsor/Rothschild and Rockefeller bankers that are the SOURCE of ALL of the Oppression upon Mankind, especially YOU. In America we have a REPUBLIC. In America, the People ARE Caesar. Your idiotic "Democracy" is a FARCE and a FRAUD, and you are too brainwashed and stupid to comprehend it. Your so-called "Democracy" is 2 sheep and 3 wolves deciding what is for dinner, being YOU - MORONS. In a Republic the sheep have GUNS. So do the People - something you have been devoid of for quite some time, as it looks. The 1/2 truths you are speaking here, are no better than LIES, that run you around in circles to nowhere but your own DEATH. Are you too stupid to comprehend that your Govt. is a Captured NAZI Govt.? Nazis Force and Coerce Medical Procedures upon the unwilling. Good Nazis are DEAD NAZIS. ALL Medical Procedures are EXPERIMENTAL - ALWAYS. Get your Vaxx - Get on the train to AUSCHWITZ! I hear they have hot showers and food when you get there. Better hurry and get on the train, or you might catch Covid. Too bad you never heard of the Nuremburg Code - you soon to be SLAUGHTERED SHEEP.
COVAIDS20 2022-01-14 06:16:01  5  0
Incredible how people still believe in the imaginary virus. Stupidity has no bounds.
Dan_Andrews_is_a_c_nt 2022-01-14 05:20:45  1  0
It will all get worse. Lockdowns over? Maybe. They are still destroying the economy with self isolation rules. Make plenty of hardtack, boys.
DiscipleOfChristJesus 2022-01-14 02:55:48  4  0
Yall know what has to be done...
A Mind With Heart 2022-01-14 00:41:51  1  0
We need to study and understand how this kind of dictatorship happens in a 'free and democratic" society, why the majority of people go along and obey orders, and then create something different so this can never happen again.
ShanePedler 2022-01-13 23:24:40  1  0
So, this documentary's goal is to throw dictator dan under the bus while attempting to keep the scamdemic narrative intact and needle genocide at warp speed.
bdrmongoose78 2022-01-15 02:14:14  0  0
Sounds like you learned framing from MSM. You are as good at bringing people together as them too.
Omihurst 2022-01-13 22:57:00  1  0
Australia Melbourne, I’m proud of you and together we stand from the US.
robcee 2022-01-13 22:51:44  5  0
Recently asked a normie shelia in Australia why she's taken three jabs already? She replied, ''A 38 year old man died of Covid recently, didn't you see that on the news?'' That's the kind of imbecility we're up against folks and welcome to looney bin Australia.
_xcalyba 2022-01-13 22:39:04  3  0
Melbourne has in fact for the past 10 years at least been a leftist shithole that trendies populate. They are disgusting humans and real aussies have avoided melbourne for years.
Shinrin Yoku 2022-01-13 22:34:43  3  0
George Orwell, “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ktCptDojUOFY60mhvyIDVjxqOQlAUW_U/view
Dazza1967 2022-01-13 22:11:18  2  0
Miudzislav 2022-01-13 21:54:39  2  0
Beautiful film. Very inspiring. Thank You very much @specializedtom.
Iliossatos 2022-01-13 21:13:23  2  0
Fantastic documentary. Thank you very much for sharing! This made me very emotional! ❤ Let's all rise up and stay strong! ❤😍💪💪💪
Miudzislav 2022-01-13 20:40:51  2  0
This is the batch of sociopaths and psychopaths ruling that country.
TimesUp29 2022-01-13 19:17:52  4  0
They call themselves the MASTER CLASS.. Control the slaves is what they want... We being the slaves
Miudzislav 2022-01-13 21:34:46  1  0
They can call themselves, all they want, but they are only 'tools' in the hands of much more powerful ones. When (if) they do their job, they will not be needed any more and the powerful 'they' will terminate them as well.
allenwhit 2022-01-13 18:47:01  1  0
Nice video brother, it’s sad to see my people treated like this all over the world. Jesus and his commandments is the only way. He will redeem us one day. When he comes back he’s coming as the Lion of Judah.
WhiteRite 2022-01-13 18:23:00  9  0
This brings tears to my eyes in Alberta. Not only for past crimes by the cabal and the cabal's thugs, but for what is to come. I will die fighting for my freedom but i will take a few thugs with me. The time for sign waving is over.
sdbayless@ 2022-01-13 17:59:25  1  0
This is not just about Victoria or Australia; these are worldwide Globalist demons that we’re battling. Victoria and Australia are only the test subjects for the rest of the world. This is biblical (Book of Revelation). We have to shake off their brain washing, psychological warfare and manipulation, think for ourselves and take back our nations!
TimesUp29 2022-01-13 17:48:40  1  0
I hope the people never forget what they have ALL done. The wheels of justice move slowly but when they move, the F'n mountains are going to look like flatlands.. No one escapes this...We will never forget what you have done!!
WhereismySPAGHETTI 2022-01-13 16:35:06  1  1
[comment removed by admin]
CChar 2022-01-13 16:21:26  7  0
D. Andrews will have his day in court..with All his history..he is more than likely ending up at the end of a rope..another puppet of the CCP?
Frankdog1000 2022-01-14 03:58:18  1  0
How do ye get a rope round then ears ?
FreeToSpeak101 2022-01-13 16:14:40  3  0
The Gestapo plain and simple Gestapo and if you knowingly as an officer turned on your people you’re guilty these appear to be Gestapo actions against free people how do you go home at night and face your wife children family and friends knowing You are participating in turning your country into a communist a shit hole? Excuses I didn’t know why they didn’t tell me doesn’t fly you know by now what you’re doing is wrong and for a few paycheques you will except giving them your freedom turning your country against your own family and friends disgusting shameful and evil over a job maybe you like it?The disgusting part of this is there a Gestapo like officers I truly look like they enjoy that seem to go way beyond what they had to do to see their own citizens suffer these are the type of sick pigs they attract matter fact it’s probably part of their vetting when they hire these animals and each and everyone of them that have committed crimes against the People need to pay Appropriate sentence without any questions unanswered no stone unturned to get to the truth and to expose these dirty little garden slugs that need to be brought into the light so they can be plucked out of any place of power in my opinion?
Me,Myself & Eye 2022-01-13 16:09:57  2  0
xpto 2022-01-13 16:07:32  4  0
if a motherfucker closes my business... he'll be shot in the horns...
xpto 2022-01-13 16:06:08  5  0
6 million people who listen to half a dozen retarded assholes and do nothing...
WhiteRite 2022-01-13 15:41:09  2  0
FreeToSpeak101 2022-01-13 15:31:58  1  0
I am amazed that this man has not been arrested it is clear violation of human rights am I opinion it is disgusting evil and shameful to the people of This great country?
FreeToSpeak101 2022-01-13 15:28:54  1  0
If these claims are true and they’ve done it knowingly those are crimes against humanity are they not? And if these are crimes against humanity why in the world are these people not in jail why do we not see handcuffs on them why is there not military tribunals or a new Nurenberg trial like situation?
John Yellow Snow 2022-01-13 15:27:10  1  0
wow ...that was emotional to watch !!!
wayne88.hd@gmail.com 2022-01-13 15:19:27  1  2
You know it's sad I was what's going on over there but I have no empathy for Australia because those people and their ancestors came in and stole that Land from the indigenous people and you're getting judgement right now so I'm so sorry
Hot2Jamtwo 2022-01-13 16:42:54  1  0
Fuck you fool
Me,Myself & Eye 2022-01-13 15:13:10  0  0
Introducing DISEASE & DEATH...."BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER". Be sure to try out our new improved line of OMNI-CON jabs coming soon to a dealer (all the hospitals, doctors & clinics we bought, paid for and control) near you! WAKEE WAKEE, SMELL THE BURNT TOAST. The good news is...the entire criminally obscene origin, history and scientific chicanery of BIG PHARMA, VACCINES AND THE ENTIRE ALLOPATHIC GERM THEORY CULT is, as it should, be CHALLENGED & FULLY INVESTIGATED / EXPOSED!!
smithannette578@gmail.com 2022-01-13 15:02:37  2  0
All elections on this planet are rigged! Canada just went through the same BS, and with everyone having the Hate on for Trudeau, how the Hell did he win again! The US election, Rigged! Now look it up, even small Banana Republics, they all have been and are being rigged! Karma and Murphy are going to take action soon! In Gods Speed!
Kingrobbo 2022-01-13 15:01:25  0  0
great doco! Loved it
Z0mbie 2022-01-13 14:22:15  3  0
Mr. Andrews, you've been targeted for forced removal....Better start running now potato boy.
ALTNewsReports.com 2022-01-13 14:19:01  0  0
This is a great video. When I asked Topher if I should reupload or share a link he went for the link. So here it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzfJGC1_yPo
starsandbars 2022-01-13 14:05:51  6  0
do away with the piano , or at least turn the volume down to hear voices ,the important part ...prayers to yall ,stand tall , fight ,and pray against this evil !!!
8hhtfderunhrd 2022-01-13 14:14:01  0  2
The maker wasn't aware of the volume and is rereleasing it with levels fixed. Maybe watch something else if it bothers you?
nuFFseed 2022-01-13 14:02:17  2  1
Question is Ozzies, what now? where's your line in the sand? I never thought you guys would be the Worlds biggest cowards. Blame Dan the Oppressor if you like, but, YOU let this happen to YOU, so.......had enough yet????
8hhtfderunhrd 2022-01-13 14:03:46  4  0
Easy to judge from your couch, isn't it?
Z0mbie 2022-01-13 14:19:52  0  0
Another keyboard tough guy...Go put your pajamas on and go back to bed kiddo or mommy will give you a spanking.....lol
@SoupsUp 2022-01-13 13:55:48  0  0
WTF did Andrews try to say?. And have his goggle grown?. cokeHeadedRatFacedCockUp.
WeBinJooed 2022-01-14 08:51:35  0  0
Dan Andrews said "I like to suck dick" .. and he meant it. The weakling scrawny prick is a homo, for real. Aussies elected a flaming homo then they wonder why their lives turn to shit. These homos are everywhere in Western governments now.
8hhtfderunhrd 2022-01-13 13:32:27  4  0
Topher has said he's fixing the loud music and rereleasing a new version soon.
The Heretic 2022-01-13 13:20:56  0  0
No mention of Jane Halton re. quarantine enquiry; https://carter-heavy-industries.com/2021/12/06/australia-corruption-covid-bgi-vaccines/
jules321 2022-01-13 13:18:27  1  0
Fabulous People! Fabulous Doco...difficult to watch but absolutely vital! Thank God for Melbournians :) thanks muchly for this ~ :) https://julesbar.blogspot.com/2020/11/addendum.html
build it and they will come 2022-01-13 13:14:32  4  0
I called out this BS in March 2020 in the UK was fined 4 times never paid them never will. Government is and always has been tyranny, freedom belongs to the people, when you comply you die.
Bwanaclydebatty 2022-01-13 13:01:10  2  0
Sporting capital of the world 🤣🤣🤣🤣
dogsbreth 2022-01-13 12:56:51  7  3
Dumb bastards voted for the communist scumbag, surprised when he delivers communism. Victorians are retards.
8hhtfderunhrd 2022-01-13 13:18:41  2  1
You think every Victorian voted for this? You even think they don't rig elections outside America too?
Rusko 2022-01-13 13:28:49  0  0
Retards?NO, who ever follow communist ideas or Labor like CCP :are followers are like a CULT! Paranoiacs sick mentalities that believe that by taken freedom from people using fear & control ,will dominate the masses,enjoying power & wealth!These ideas only born from sick sociopathic like: Karl MAX,HITLER,MUSSOLINI,ZIONIST ,certainly are not of CHRISTIAN believes ,or respect themselves or others.. Besides they NEVER succeed in their task..only offer..PAIN /DIVIDED/ HATE .because it comes from the lowers essence of humans EVIL.
starsandbars 2022-01-13 15:07:52  0  0
we all make mistakes ,time to forget those and unite against the evil ,alone they will overwhelm you , criticism divides and isolates....this will be at your doorstep too....will it help for someone to call you names...unite !!! duh !!!
sdbayless@ 2022-01-13 18:20:33  0  0
Oh really? And where do you live? Probably some crap hole country with a tyrannical dictator and you’re used to being a slave? 😜👍
allenwhit 2022-01-13 18:44:02  0  0
Don’t ever say that, they might have voted wrong in the past but we will need to stand together and fight these monsters in the months ahead. We love you Australia, so many of my brothers and sisters over there. When it goes down in America you will know that your time is short to stand. God Bless!
ENZYMEMEDIA 2022-01-13 12:42:42  0  1
https://www.bitchute.com/video/bSaasUpizRVr/ walk and talk
specializedtom 2023-06-08 09:51:41  122  31
For those that are signed up to Truth Social, "Banned Youtube Videos" now has a presence there. Make sure to give me a follow there at https://truthsocial.com/group/banned-youtube-videos .

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