The West and its zone of influence can no longer condemn Nazism

by Bruno Bertez on Bruno Bertez

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The West and its zone of influence can no longer condemn Nazism.

The crisis that threatens capitalism and its Center, the United States, is a repetition of the crisis of the twenties and thirties which led to the Second World War.

The United States, which is at the center of this crisis, sees its hegemon, its currency and its standard of living threatened; resorting to abusive debt and monetary creation is no longer enough. We have reached the limits of these palliatives. Financial predation is no longer enough because scarcity becomes real/physical at the level of the main resources. And it will quickly and considerably worsen.

You have to take ownership of them , not just control them or underpay them.

As in the 1920s, business and especially Big Financial Capital see far ahead, they fear a rise in instability, social upheavals and changes in the social order which would not be favorable to them.

They therefore need to strengthen their hold. Preemptively.

They do this by relocating this influence and imposing it from the outside through the non-elected, co-opted International Institutions that they control.

It is these non-elected organizations which little by little establish rules, the famous rules, which lock the world into a new straitjacket whether through Malthusianism, through Wokism, through the mutation of morality, societal transformation, destruction. identity specificities, inversion of values ​​etc.

And they do it through progressive shifts, more or less soft, which dispossess people of their democratic powers. The frog that is gradually boiled.

These developments require us to rehabilitate Nazism and fascism, in expurgated, inverted forms, disguised by shaving their mustaches.

The root of fascism is the sacrifice of individuals and social groups to ideas, to entities, to abstractions, to Leaders, who hide other social groups who benefit from the sacrifice of the masses. For example, they send them to the piper.

Fascism in its essence is the sacrifice of real individuals for the benefit of an imagined ideology, an imagination .

People must be indoctrinated and they must be persuaded that their lives are not worth much compared to the ideologies that are being thrown around in front of them - nation, race, religion, money, competitiveness, rank, etc. -. They must sacrifice themselves: for progress, for the planet, for gender, for immigration, to preserve the accounts of social protection organizations, to expand profit margins, for employment, to pay for the weapons that will serve to subdue them, to face competition.. The list of reasons given to impose sacrifices on people is endless, there is always a new reason, but now it is preserve the standard of living , comfort, the sampling power of the Anglo-Saxons, unipolarity! !

The current crisis of capitalism implies and gives meaning to everything you see but do not understand.

Everything follows from this: the impoverishment of the employed masses and the increase in the rate of exploitation and the softening of the spines and of course imperialism abroad under the ridiculous pretext - of threatened security!

The call for citizen sacrifice is enabled by continued fear and various threats. Government by fear, the state of emergency, the reason of state, the state of exception, is part of fascism.

The close cooperation of Very Large Capital and business with politicians, governments and senior officials is explained in the Great Reset Project of Davos, we are leaving the Democratic Ideal to enter the government of stake holders. say stakeholder government, corporatism on a global scale.

This project is cooperation between businesses, owners of capital and power in order to go beyond democracy; reduce it to the insignificant decisions of everyday life.

The progressive takeover of all major economic tools by the new corporatist governments is obvious; currency, interest rates, health, travel, censorship, nudge, control of essential prices like energy, communication/information etc.

The use of authentically fascist and Nazi spearheads both in the context of imperialist battles and in the context of social and societal struggles is no longer even hidden, it is revealed, cynically, shamelessly.

The Third Committee of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a traditional resolution initiated by Russia to combat the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to the escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and associated intolerance.

Co-authors came from 38 countries.

Here is a list of those who are against the resolution and against the condemnation of racism and the glorification of Nazism and do not want to condemn xenophobia:




















The Netherlands,







Czech Republic,





Bosnia and Herzegovina,



New Zealand,









San Marino,

North Macedonia,



Marshall Islands,



  • 4 komentarze
    ostatnie komentarze z Bruno Bertez
    Petitbob Sun, 05 Nov 2023 18:08:50 +0000

    « Ce projet c'est la coopération entre les entreprises, les détenteurs du capital et le pouvoir » : c’est la définition du fascisme.

    De toute manière, ce sont les nazis qui ont gagné la 2e guerre mondiale : ceux qui ont pu sauvé leur peau ont été recyclés aux USA dans les grandes institutions, par exemple l’ONU;


    Asclépios Sun, 05 Nov 2023 15:56:48 +0000


    Je renchéris en postant la fameuse citation de Pasolini, tirée de ses Lettres luthériennes (1976):

    Le fascisme peut revenir sur la scène à condition qu'il s'appelle anti-fascisme.

    Visionnaire, non?

    Cela en dit long sur la tartufferie des tenants du pouvoir…



    dupain Sun, 05 Nov 2023 15:24:37 +0000

    Ce texte est régulièrement présenté à l’ONU, avant même l’opération militaire soéciale, et les même cherchent toujours l’excuse du moment pour s’y opposer, en gros les five eyes et les colonies européennes complètement vassalisées.


    Steve Sun, 05 Nov 2023 14:15:03 +0000

    Bonjour M. Bertez

    Pour le détail de la discussion voir:

    Sur le fond, l’U.E et d’autres ont refusé de voter cette résolution au prétexte que la Fédération de Russie chercherait par ce moyen à justifier son opération militaire spéciale en Ukraine.

    Il est remarquable que l’amendement visant la Fédération de Russie et soutenu par tous les pays opposants a la résolution ait été déposé par l’Albanie ! Pays rivalisant avec l’Ukraine dans la corruption et la violence criminelle* !

    Et que le Jupi voudrait pourtant voir entrer dans l’U.E ! Voir sa visite à Tirana

    On s’attendrait pourtant à ce que que la France, dont les media rappellent constamment les menaces posées par l’extrême droite aille au bout de sa logique et présente donc elle même une telle motion…. On se demande bien pourquoi elle ne le fait pas!

    Ah, il est vrai que je n’entends rien à la haute politique ….et encore moins à la basse.


    *Pour rappel le trafic de drogue dans l’U.E a augmenté de 35% depuis que les gangs albanais en ont pris le contrôle.


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